Your Blue Mic driver might have a yellow exclamation mark.If you have a customized machine, please contact the manufacturer for driver updates.This updates the sound drivers on your computer. Repeat these steps for each driver besides your Blue Mic under Sound, Video, and Game Controllers.

Right click on one driver other than your Blue Mic, Select “Update driver software”, select “Search automatically for updated driver software”, then wait for the finishing prompt to show up.Expand your Sound, Video, and Game Controllers list in your Device Manager to reveal your drivers.You can find the Device Manager by typing “Device Manager” into your Windows Search box. If the microphone is not being recognized on your Sound Menu, then we can check its recognition on your Device Manager.

If it does not work after trying a new cable, port, and computer, please create a support case and we'll be happy to assist further. If the microphone works on a different computer, then the issue might be with the drivers on your current computer.Please check if the issue is with the microphone not being recognized by first trying a different USB port, USB cable, and a different computer.